Orientation for International Degree-Seeking Students in September Admission 2023
– Entry Procedures, New Student Orientation
English session: August 23rd (Wed.), 2023 at 2pm (Taipei time)
Click to join the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9301888915?pwd=ZGdLRldqczQ0aFZqcDhkeGwrQXJHdz09
Meeting ID: 930 188 8915 ; Passcode: 123456 [For Chinese-speaking students] 國際新生9月入境線上說明會: 入境、新生須知
中文場次: 2023年8月22日 (星期二) 下午2點 (臺北時間)
請加入Zoom視訊會議: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9301888915?pwd=ZGdLRldqczQ0aFZqcDhkeGwrQXJHdz09
Meeting ID: 930 188 8915 ; Passcode: 123456