Online e-Form Application for 2024-25 Academic Year 1st Semester Applications for Change of Class Section for Required Courses, Course Selection for Minors, Double Majors

2024-25 Academic Year 1st Semester Change of Class Section for Required Courses, Course Selection for Minors, and Double Majors, please fill out online e-Form from Monday, August 12 to Monday, August 19, 2024.

Change of Class Section for Required Courses Application Form

Application Form for Minor and/or Double Major Form

Change of Class Section for MCU Core Required English Courses Application Form

The Academic Affairs Division will collect all applications and then submit them to each department for further evaluation. Upon approval of the applications, the adding and/or dropping of courses will proceed. Please check the results that will be posted on your course schedule in the Student Information System starting at 16:00 on Thursday , September 5.