Call for abstract-Intercollegiate Conference of English Literature and Linguistic Media and Communication (ICELLMC)
Conference Date: April 26, 2025
Conference Venue: She-Wo Building S1204 Conference Room
The Intercollegiate Conference of English Literary and Linguistic Media and Communication is a peer-reviewed conference dedicated to the theory and practice of English literature and linguistics in the context of contemporary media and communication trends. The conference aims to integrate English studies, communication studies, and multimedia practices by creating a platform for discussion, interaction, and collaboration among interdisciplinary scholars. We hope to explore academic possibilities through innovative perspectives.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Journalism and alternative media languages in linguistic and cultural studies
- Literary adaptations across media platforms
- AI-assisted teaching methodologies
- The influence of technology and AI on translation practices
- Literature’s presentation in the era of AI-driven new media
- Intercultural communication competence and its development
Proposals for papers in English or Mandarin Chinese are accepted. Proposals for panels are also welcome. Please email proposals as MS Word (.docx) attachments before January 17, 2025. Proposals should be accompanied by an abstract (300 words) and a separate cover sheet including the presenter’s education and employment history, current institutional affiliation, brief list of representative works, and email address. Please avoid reference to personal information in your abstract in order to facilitate our blind review. Abstracts and full manuscripts should follow APA or MLA style as set out in their most recent editions. Please send your email to:
Ms. Sophia Chang (張瑋倫)
Email: dteng@mail.shu.edu.tw
The conference committee will send out acceptance emails on February 14, 2025. Accepted presenters must submit a full manuscript (5000-8000 words) by March 14, 2025. For online announcement of accepted proposals, please see the following website: http://dteng.shu.edu.tw/?p=4667
Important dates
Deadline for proposals: January 17, 2025 (Friday)
Acceptance emails sent: February 14, 2025 (Friday)
Deadline for full manuscript: March 14, 2025 (Friday)
Conference date: April 26, 2025 (Saturday)