Call for abstract – 2024 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature

2024 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature

Conference Theme:

English Learning in the Era of AI: Empowerment & Challenge

Organizers: Department of English Language & Literature, Language Teaching & Learning Center, Chinese Culture University

Date: May 4, 2024

Venue: Chinese Culture University, Hwa Kang, Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Website:  Conference Website


Important Deadlines

Conference Date: May 4, 2023

Submission of abstracts: December 15, 2023.

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: March 8, 2024

Submission Guidelines

  1. We accept papers written either in English or in Chinese. No full-paper submission is required.
  2. We accept online submissions only. To submit your proposal, please follow these steps:

(a)  Submit your abstract (300-500 words with 3-6 keywords in English) by filling out the abstract submission form at

(b)  Fill out the contributor data form at

Your submission will NOT be considered unless the above steps are completed.

  1. All abstracts will be subject to blind reviews by two reviewers.
  2. Hwa Kang English Journal welcomes submissions of the full papers presented in this conference. Submissions may be considered for Vol. 28, to be published in July 2024. Please visit the journal website for further information:

Contact Us

Please write to or call Ms. Erika Chin at 02-28610511 ext. 23705 for further information.